The Scottsbluff Public Schools Health Services Staff would like to thank you for visiting our site. We work with students, family and community to prevent disease, promote and protect health and minimize the complications of health problems. Our mission is to enhance the educational achievement for each student by advocating and promoting health and wellness.
Emergency Health Cards
The information on these cards is vitally important in those instances when a student becomes ill or is injured. The parents or designated persons will be contacted before a child is sent or taken home. It is a parental responsibility to keep emergency cards up to date with changes of address, home phone numbers, work numbers, and two optional contacts. Health information is requested on these cards and is shared with school staff in order to help meet your student's health and safety needs. If you do not want this information shared, contact school health staff. If your student has severe allergies that require epi-pen
and/or diet modification, asthma, diabetes, and/or seizures, contact school health staff for appropriate paperwork to complete. If you student has a significant health condition that you want school staff to be aware of, contact school health staff.
PE Recess Restrictions
If a student requires restricted PE or recess due to health condition for more than one (1) day, then a healthcare provider note is required. If a student has a note limiting or restricting PE, this will include recess. If a student has a note limiting or restricting recess, this will include PE.
Contact Health Services
Betsy Skelcher, Assistant Director of Student Services
Scottsbluff Public Schools District Office
1722 First Avenue
Scottsbluff, NE 69361