Like any meaningful human endeavor, education can get pretty complicated. It's easy to get so caught up in all the intricacies and differing perspectives that clarity gets lost and little real progress ever gets made.
However, it's exciting for us to say - and say with confidence - that Scottsbluff Public Schools remain focused. Goals are clearly articulated, priorities are well evidenced and we are getting better all the time.
Our students are thriving in multiple areas of academics, athletics and activities. Test scores and graduation rates are up. The finest high school facility in the region was built thanks to strong community support. District enrollment continues to grow. Our students and our teachers are accomplishing great things together.

About the District
Welcome to Scottsbluff Public Schools! You will find that our district has all of the big city opportunities that larger school districts have, but we offer a small-town atmosphere and close-knit community as well. At Scottsbluff Public Schools our mission statement is:
Every Child, Every Day!
We strive for excellence in academics and recognize that we are growing future leaders and active community members. Our teachers and staff are among the very best and are committed to helping each student find individual achievement through instruction and example.
There are nine educational facilities in the district, including one early childhood school (three and four year olds), five elementary K-5 schools, one middle school (grades 6-8) and one senior high (grades 9-12). Additionally, we have CHOICES, a smaller, personalized program for students seeking a more "hands-on" learning environment and ReConnect, a drop-out prevention and retrieval program for youth aged 17-21, and Sixpence a program for children ages birth to three.
Our Schools