Whether your student attends Scottsbluff High School, CHOICES or ReConnect, Scottsbluff Public Schools provides comprehensive, rigorous and well rounded academics for all students. Our staff works to prepare high school students for life beyond graduation, whether it be college or career. We encourage high school students to take advangtage our many options for academic challenges, leadership skill-building and career exploration. We strive to give high school students meaningful experiences that prepare them for productive and meaningful lives.
Core Curriculum
Social Sciences
Scottsbluff High School provides course offerings in social studies that are designed to develop the knowledge and skills of history, geography, civics, and economics which will help students understand the people, places, ideas, and events that have shaped our state, nation, and world.
Language Arts
The Scottsbluff High School Language Arts program focuses on the development of student skills in the areas of reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Students refine basic skills and strive to accomplish a higher level of skill development in all areas of the language arts. Instruction targets success for all students by the time they graduate from high school.
The secondary science program strives to excite our students about science while providing opportunities to focus on the development of the skills critical to for college and career readiness. The program allows students to develop an understanding of concepts through hands-on experiences, problem solving, decision making and applications of knowledge.
Scottsbluff High School provides a cohesive standards-aligned Mathematics program. Throughout the courses, students are given opportunities to investigate, hypothesize, and discover mathematical concepts while seeing connections to real world content.
Grading Requirements
For most Scottsbluff high school students, progress reports are issued at the end of each nine week grading period with a report card issued at the end of each semester. A student's high school grades can be reviewed on the district's online parent portal.
Parents of high school students may wish to view the policy on high school grading for details on weighted classes, class rank and grade point average.
In all classes (with the exception of certain Advanced Placement, Dual Credit, and intervention classes), student grades are weighted so that 70% of a student's grade is based on student performance on assessments and 30% of a student's grade is based on student performance on daily work assignments.
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Elective Courses

Scottsbluff High School offers a huge array of elective courses that rivals or exceeds the depth and scope offered in most large, "big city" high schools. Students can access courses that will benefit them in their educational goals as well as support their personal interests and talents. Many of these courses will be accessible to students as they pursue their pathways within their chosen Career Academy.
Areas of focus include:
Fine Arts - Scottsbluff High School's Fine Arts programs include vocal music, instrumental music (band and orchestra), speech, drama and art. Each of these areas provides opportunities for students to participate in specialized opportunities including regional, state and national competitions as well as challenging performances that carry a rich and storied tradition of excellence.
Physical Education - Classes in the Physical Education program includes developing the overall fitness of students. Courses include: Weight Training, Swimming, Aerobics, and Fitness. Students can blend their PE classes with their participation in interscholastic athletics as well as their own personal training and fitness goals.
World Languages - Scottsbluff High School provides a variety of levels of foreign languages in the including Spanish, German and Mandarin Chinese. Advanced Placement opportunities and dual credit college work may also be available in selected areas.
Vocational/Technology - This area is among the very strongest as Scottsbluff High School continues to expand and strengthen programming each year. SHS offers many courses related to skilled technology and coordinates multiple options with Western Nebraska Community College to meet the needs of almost every student. Some options include Business/Computer courses, Agricultural Education, Construction Trades, and Family and Consumer Science. The schools DECA program as well as Culinary Arts offer particularly exciting opportunities for students interested in pursuing these areas with more depth. Construction Trades students can actually build a house from foundation to finished product. Additionally, computer science and graphic arts facilities and equipment provide authentic and professional environments for students to apply their learning in meaningful ways.